

Welcome to Heart Of Insight which is both my place and practice in serving others and to nurture my own spiritual development ~ Namaste ~.

I have practised both the healing art of Yoga and Intuitive Readings now for over 30 years.

As a highly experiential person with a background in dance and as a performer; I learn and live through my body.

I trust the body’s wisdom beyond anything else and as as my students would know I like to say

“Listen to your body’s wisdom first and then listen to what I’m saying…”


I started teaching in the late 80’s in Alice Springs. I am a certified teacher of Iyengar Yoga and have trained in Anusara Yoga as well as Restorative, Remedial and Alignment Yoga taught under the wonderful Yogini veteran Judith Hanson Lasater and I continue to study Therapeutic Yoga under her and her daughter Lizzie Lasater. I am constantly updating my knowledge and practise, I always have something on the go…

I've been practicing Insight Meditation since 1984 and incorporate this into my Yoga Practice and teachings. I have traveled to India many times to further my training, to study Ayurvedic Medicine and to do participate in Meditation and Yoga Retreats.

Why Yoga?

When I experienced acute sickness (I am a kidney transplant survivor) I found that my practise  supported me right through ten years of illness and recovery, even when I was dying and  when I couldn’t move; I could still support my mind to aid my body and energy levels. It was a fundamental element of my management and healing. I went from a physically acrobatical practise to the now quieter practises which are very powerful and supportive. 

I feel privileged to have worked with people from all walks of life and have received the trust from so many students to support and guide them on their transformational journey. 

“Pain is certain, suffering is optional” ~Buddha

“Pain is certain, suffering is optional” ~Buddha

"Be your own lamp, seek no other refuge but yourself. Let truth be your light." ~Buddha

"Be your own lamp, seek no other refuge but yourself. Let truth be your light." ~Buddha


I have been clairvoyant and able to read palms, since I was a child. Now I read tarot, palms and numerology from an instinctual/feeling place, beyond the mind. I give you a choice of a number of Tarot decks to help focus the reading on any questions or particular areas of life you wish to cover. It is a profound honour to do readings and I love to help my clients & students access their own guidance, wisdom and intuition. I have been reading professionally for over 30 years and I’m currently developing my own tarot deck, although very slowly! 

I regularly read at the MindBodySpirit Festivals in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and online. I have clients all around Australia and Overseas.

Why Intuitive Readings?

There is a real magic in the cards and numbers that speak a language and that language is internal intuitive wisdom that is somehow imbibed. It never ceases to amaze me; how the images and numbers can speak - sometimes they speak directly to my clients.

I called my business “Heart Of Insight” as a respectful bow of gratitude to my teachers in the Insight Meditation tradition.It has been my primary practice for many years…. I have learned so much from this simple & challenging practice… I have sat with many wise teachers of the tradition and I strive to bring the wisdom and the Heart of Insight to my yoga teaching & intuitive readings.